Thursday, November 18, 2021

Increase the length of the video

The length of the video can help you rank higher on the YouTube search engine. This does not mean that you have to blur the video. Try to analyze and cover almost everything related to the topic you are working on.

Nowadays, people are boring to skip to the next video so early. Therefore, attracting viewers to watch the video is one of the key factors. However, if the video contains useful content, they will remain as long as the video.

In addition, the Backlinko case study points out that longer videos are better than short videos. Longer videos can improve your ranking on YouTube and directly help increase subscribers.

Well, you might ask what is the best video length?

The answer depends entirely on your video content, if it takes 20 minutes, it can be done, or if it takes 5 minutes, it can be done. Duration is one of the factors in YouTube rankings, and at the same time, don’t bore viewers with making longer videos.

"Content is king", this rule still applies. Create longer videos with useful content. Just in case, if you are not sure about making a longer video? Then divide the video into different parts (Part 1, Part 2...) and create a playlist. This approach increases engagement at your audience level and increases the number of subscribers through conversations.



視頻的長度可以幫助您在YouTube搜索引擎上排名更高。 這並不意味著您必須使視頻模糊不清。 嘗試分析並涵蓋與您正在製作的主題相關的幾乎所有內容。

如今,人們很無聊地跳到下一個視頻如此之早。 因此,吸引觀眾觀看視頻是關鍵因素之一。 但是,如果視頻中包含有用的內容,它們將保留與視頻時長一樣長的時間。

此外, Backlinko案例研究指出,與短視頻相比,較長的視頻效果更好。 較長的視頻可提高您在YouTube上的排名,並直接有助於增加訂閱者。


答案完全取決於您的視頻內容,如果需要20分鐘,則可以完成,或者如果需要5分鐘,則可以完成。 時長是YouTube排名的因素之一,與此同時,不要因為製作更長的視頻而讓觀眾感到厭煩。

“內容為王”,此規則仍然適用。 製作包含有用內容的較長視頻。 以防萬一,如果您不確定要製作更長的視頻嗎? 然後將視頻分成不同的部分(第1部分,第2部分...)並創建播放列表。 這種方法增加了您的受眾級別的參與度,並且通過對話增加了訂閱者人數。

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